it starts with a wish or desire and ends with them being cursed or falling into despair . 祈りから始まり 呪いで終わる
in addition , he divided buddhism into gateway of the pure land that practices senju-nenbutsu and gateway of the holy path that uses other practices , and he prescribed the gateway of the pure land as the gateway by which one engages in senju-nenbutsu with a wish to escape the humanly world and to be born in the pure land , and the gateway of the holy path as the gateway by which one aims for enlightenment by training in this world . 加えて、仏教を専修念仏を行う浄土門とそれ以外の行を行う聖道門に分け、浄土門を娑婆世界を厭い極楽往生を願って専修念仏を行う門、聖道門を現世で修行を行い悟りを目指す門と規定している。
to wish: to wish 願う ねがう 祈る いのる to wish for: to wish for 望む のぞむ 求める もとめる 欲しがる ほしがる wish: 1wish n. 願い, 願望, 希望; 要請, 命令; (人の幸福 安泰などを)願う言葉, 祈り. 【動詞+】 Please accept my hearty good wishes as well as my thanks. 私の感謝とともに心からなる好意を受けていただきたい We will gladly accommodate your wishes in thiwish for: 所望する I couldn't have wished for more. これはまさに願ってもない贈り物です。 wish to: ~したいと願う We just wish to have a good holiday next week. 私たちは来週、素晴らしい休暇を過ごしたいだけなのだ。 agonizing wish: 切ない願い ardent wish: 切々{せつせつ}たる願い、悲願{ひがん} as you wish: 望み[希望]どおりの、御意{ぎょい}のままに convey a wish: 希望{きぼう}を伝える dearest wish: 《one's ~》切なる願い dearly wish: 心から願う death wish: 死の願望 Do you have a death wish? dire wish: 念願{ねんがん} dying wish: dying wish 遺志 いし eager wish: 切望{せつぼう}